Trainers are experts of not only their particular craft, but are well studied in how to pass their skills on to others. Trainers may provide a myriad of roles but their key purpose is to pass on information and skills to another frequently known as a pupil.
Best Practices indicates training methods, philosophies and techniques may vary widely between trainers; be sure to select a trainer that you are compatible with.
Training Theory
When retraining certain aspects of the Three powers whether for s-types or d-types it is good to know that for most it takes approximately 90 days of intense training to do so. The first 30 are to break the old habits, the next 30 are to replace the old habits with new habits, and the last 30 are to reinforce those new habits to make sure they stick. The US military schedules their training programs along a very similar timeline and structure.[1]
See Also Training
Relationship specific training
Training in the context of a Relationship indicates an advanced stage in a relationship an ongoing effort of D-type and S-type to learn the finer workings of what the D type expects from the s type that would be in service to them. This includes teaching the submissive how to act, behave and think for the pleasure of the D-type. Training for these purposes tends to come after a collar of consideration, but before a final collar, whether modern or classic, if such collaring customs are conformed to.
A period of training is often considered to be approximately 1 year in length and often utilizes a training collar, but this benchmark is not universally conformed to. During the start of this process usually specific Protocols and Rituals will be experimented with and refined to conform with the specific needs of the relationship dynamic.
This period of training is entered into with the D-type taking the majority of the responsibility of the relationship into their hands as they will have the majority of the power in the Power exchange, and thus if the relationship is to fail and end horribly they are to bear the brunt of the responsibility for the failure.
This period will end with either both partners going separate ways after a period of transition for the S-type, or result in a permanent collar. The application of a permanent collar often includes a Contract and Collaring ceremony but does not indicate that the S-type is to cease learning or that the D-type is to cease being responsible, but instead that both have reached a very mutually rewarding relationship that is set up with a strong foundation for long-term success with the intention of that arrangement to be permanent.
While revocation of a training collar is considered to be a majority failure on the part of the d-type, revocation of a permanent collar is to be often considered entirely the fault of the d-type and that any forseeable problems that might arise that could be attributed to the s-type will instead be attributed to the d-type as a failure on their part to have the insight and skill to plan and train accordingly, and that they should not have issued a permanent collar if they were not fully prepared for that level of responsibility.
S-type Training
Training need not be to learn how to serve a specific individual for an s-type. Many of the skills that an s-type might use are practical when serving any D-type and can be learned without being owned. Further, many D-types will send an s-type to learn from an experienced expert to expedite and enhance training efforts.
In this case the Trainer is a person(s) who prepares the s-type for the future or present D type. Trainers can provide a wide variety of tasks and experiences so that the trainee can have a broad understanding of etiquette, knowledge of current traditions, use of tools and service based experiences/skillsets just to name a few of the roles.
During this time the s-type may or may not wear a training collar and will negotiate very specifically for what duties that their indentured training will include. Much like Best practices concerning Mentors, it is wise to be cautious of those that seek to train with ulterior motives.
D-type Training
Much like training for the s-type that is not relationship specific, the d-type will often enter training to enhance certain d-type skills. This may include mirroring or shadowing an experienced Master for a period of time with lots of mentoring conversations and may include some exchange of services, though a training collar is not traditional unlike with the s-type. Further the types of skills being learned will vary greatly from the s-type, many of which are theory, ethics, processes, and other abstract concepts that when finely honed make one a powerful d-type. In this case the Master training the D-type is usually looking to focus the strengths of the D-type in training and shore up any extreme weak points and overall push them to be better versions of themselves.
Pet Training
Pet play animals can be trained by their handlers, but reception to training will often differ based upon the pet play animal and the individual role-player in question. Some pet play animals may even prefer to be feral and undomesticated. Most of the same training used on humans can be used on pet play animals, though they may be required to be creatively adapted in some cases. Usually the types of calls and responses being trained for may vary by animal type.
If the pet is submissive, it may be possible to train them out of negative behaviors such as scratching or biting, though some believe training a human pet out of normal animal behaviors and overly domesticating it can be detrimental to their pet space.