From BDSM Wiki
A pupil is a person, who is learning and/or being trained under the close supervision of a private tutor such as a Mentor or Trainer, not to be confused with someone undergoing slave training.
Best Practices
- The role of a mentor does not equate to being someone's Dominant or Submissive, Play partner, Trainer, or sex partner. It is important to determine that attaining one of these positions is not a hidden motive of a potential mentor as it is not entirely uncommon to have predatory individuals offer to mentor new explorers of BDSM as a ruse to gain access to the uneducated and vulnerable, so be sure the mentor you select is someone that you can trust not to take advantage of you.
- Best Practices indicates training methods, philosophies and techniques may vary widely between trainers; be sure to select a trainer that you are compatible with.