From BDSM Wiki
CIQ, or Compliment, Introduction, Question, is a simple three step aid to help engage others in conversation during casual, social encounters.
- Compliment Approach with confidence and gain eye contact (if appropriate) with the person you wish to engage. Make a compliment that is not too terribly personal to start with.
Hey there, that's a really nice corset you are wearing, I like the red and black swirling patterns --
- Introduction immediately move to your introduction.
-- My name is Bob, by the way. I'm here at this party as a bottom and came looking for someone to have a scene with tonight.
- Question Pause briefly to let them respond with their name if they wish. Finish out your introduction with a question.
Did you come out looking to have a scene with someone tonight?
This simple technique can be altered indefinitely to help assertively gain information or even to direct a conversation.